btw i just gave dex entries to my delta rampardos @JojoBoss247
U could put a scope lens in excadrill if u run drill run for an extra increased crit chance
u could also put whirlwind on hippowdon
you can do a double battle set ha golurk with fissure on both mons or any one hit ko
i think no guard does not work with fissure and the other 1hko moves
hmm, havent used it so i dunno but i remember seeing a topic for delta knoctowl (it can have no gurd and sheer cold) and they were people sayin no guard does not work with 1ohko moves
that might be a glitch.
damn, i ran out of likes already
here are the pokemon that can learn fissure
@PeterHolmes74 Tyranitar is aight
mega stunfisk is okay just breed w/ earth power or shock wave
ha delta medicham is good
mega donphan w/ irelephant
Mega Marowak w/ physical attacking move s good
pick your poison.
I wanted to put A.TTar but he is not available at this point.
the only Pokémon with No Guard + OHKO I know is a post game Delta.
Also, keep in mind I cannot have 2 of my Pokémon on the field, it’s a Multi Battle with Nora.
As the Mega, it looks like it’s between Flygon and D.Venusaur. I also consider using Rotom-W/M
I will lead with Rotom to shut down his Metagross. I’ll change the team a bit during the Post game, notably adding the broken Mega Kang.
@JojoBoss247, @GiaPeNiw
What do you think of the team so far?
which one?
Double Battle
I don’t think u need 2 sandstorm setters on your team. give excadrill sand rush & choice scarf for speed.
Amoonguss, you should give it the brig root instead, since it has 2 draining moves.
Rotom should have leftovers for the stally set.
Leech seed could work on MDV, but shadow ball is a better move 4 it tbh. i can lower that spD of pokemon, so MDV can go right in for the kill.
Crap, Excadrill does not have Sand Stream. My bad, I ment Sand Rush.
lol ikr
@PeterHolmes74 PeterHolmes74 what ab the rest of my suggestions?