Pokemon who got better in Pokemon Insurgence

Now I left it for real @Boggaspotatoe

Got the ball, thanks a bunch @GiaPeNiw

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No problem

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Hello @everyone !

Wait did I just ping everyone?

no, but you alerted me. I’m gonna try pinging a group. @Perfection

Did it work?

No, it didn’t

I didn’t get pinged

I think Mega Garchomp get a buff with Draco Jet now giving him tools against Offense.

Crawdaunt and Ferraligatr are for me part of the 3 Water dancers as I like to call them. Those 3 are incredibly strong Water Type Dragon Dancer. All 3 have different qualities but are competing for the teamslot.
Gyarados is the bulkyest of them, got the highest attack (but ironically the lowest damage output) and has Mold Breaker, that makes him an excellent Pokémon to sweep through the monstrously bulky/broken Armored D.Volcarona as it bypasses his Levitate to hit on its ground weakness. He has the ability to change its typing upon mega evolving, getting rid of his Rock weakness. Finally, he is also quite strong without his mega thanks to Moxie. However, his lower damage output is noticeable and the fact he is an already existing mega hurt his usage.

Mega Crawdaunt is the strongest in terms of pure damage. He has the strongest damage output on its stab thanks to a 145 BP Adaptability boosted Waterfall and Knock Off/Crunch. While he is frail, he forces so many switch that he can safely setup Substitue most of the time and then counter hazards setter like Ferrothorn. Talking about sub, with his coverage issues, he isn’t loosing that much when having it as its third move. He is held back by his lack of significant coverage compared to Gyarados and his below average bulk. But make no mistake, as he is the on of the strongest Mega Mono Dark could ask for by its ability to handle rain and setup on defensive/support Drizzle users.

Feragitatr is, quite frankly, one of those I was the most wrong about underestimating (with Mega Typhlosion, more on him later, Delta Registeel and Primal Regigigas). With 103 Base Speed, he is the only one acting as both Wallbreaker and Sweeper as he doesn’t always need Dragon Dance thanks to its very good 103 Speed outspeeding Garchomp. While the lowest attack of the 3 dancers, 140 is nothing to sneeze at. Plus, 85/110/103 ok bulk is very good and allow him to setup on many treats the others couldn’t. While his lack of Dark type disable him from being a good abuse of New Moon, he has the best coverage option of the 3 with Ice Punch and Superpowers boosted by Tough Claws. We all know how dangerous Zard-X is with this ability, now imagine on him. I think he quite frankly is the best of the 3 for its ability to fit on more team styles, most notably Balance and require less support from his teammates, whereas Crawdaunt has more difficulty to switch in and is generally harder to use and Gyarados fits more or less only on Dual Screens Hyper Offense.


@PeterHolmes74 check it out.

Didnt know you played competitive @JojoBoss247 , your pretty good at it as well, better than me at least lol

really? I suck at it.

Well the analysis (according to me atleast) was pretty good @JojoBoss247

I honestly think Poliwarth sucks, but his mega… is UU at best. Still a great hop though. He gets No Guard Hypnosus and Dynamic Punch as well as great bulk, but it ends there.

Just the fact Marowak gets Parental Bond on a 135 Base Attack is enough to be wort mentioning.

And now, my biggest mistake yet. Yes, I underestimated Mega Typhlosion. HOW FOOL I WAS! It took me until I destroyed someone on the simulator (weaker version by the way as he get +1 Speed at the cost of -1 SpA in the recent version, whitch let it outspeed Specs Keldeo instead of Speed Tie. This is HUGE). Just imagine Hurbis. This terrifying on itself. Now, imagine a 110 base speed who now has a potential Flash Fire Boost thanks to its partner Ferrothorn. Cherry on the cake, he uses a full powered 150 power Eruption coming from an Special attack stat of 159, almost as strong as Mega Gardevoir or Mewtwo. THAT is Mega Typhlosion, in my opinion, the best special attacking Fire Type Sweeper IN THE GAME. With Hidden Power Grass, he get rid of most annoying Water, Rock and Ground type were Focus Blast cover his best counter Heatran 70% of the time. Volcarona May have Quiver Dance, but M-Typhlosion doesn’t need a setup turn. He just click and kill.

It still outspeeds most of the meta.

You already said that


In my opinion, thanks to weak armour, I think Swords Dance is sometimes more optimal than Dragon Dance on Mega Haxorus because of the speed boost. I also think that while nice, its a nerf from Mold Breaker.


Swords Dance Draco Jet Mega Haxorus IS A GOD

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