###This post is closed, shop has been moved here.
Trading Name: sleepy
Relaxed Unaware(HA) Wooper with Curse, Recover, Encore and Toxic.
Bold Regenerator(HA) Foongus with Stun Spore and Sludge Bomb.
Jolly/Adamant Infiltrator(HA) Zubat with Brave Bird, U-Turn , Toxic, Defog, Roost and Sleep Talk (any combination of these moves).
Naughty/Adamant/Jolly/ Speed Boost(HA) Carvanha with Destiny Bond, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam and Waterfall.
Mild/Adamant Sound Proof(HA) Snover with Seed Bomb, Facade and Swords Dance.
Impish/Adamant Sheer Force(HA)/Intimidate Mawile with Toxic, Rock Slide and Swords Dance.
Careful Immunity(HA), (when evolved, becomes Poison Heal) Gligar with Toxic, Earthquake, Facade and Rock Slide.
Jolly Vital Spirit(HA)/Static(Becomes Motor Drive in Electivire) Elekid with Cross Chop, Ice Punch, Meditate and Wild Charge.
Timid/Modest Larvesta with Morning Sun.
Jolly/Adamant Scrappy(HA) Kangaskhan with Double-Edge, Hammer Arm, Crush Claw and Earthquake.
Jolly/Adamant Unnerve(HA) Aerodactyl with Roost, Pursuit, Earthquake and Stone Edge.
Adamant Insomnia/Frisk Shuppet with Gunk Shot, Destiny Bond, Confuse Ray and Phantom Force.
Jolly/Adamant Reckless(HA) Starly with Double-Edge, Roost and U-Turn.
Impish/Relaxed Sap Sipper(HA)/Scrappy Miltank with Earthquake, Rock Slide, Rest and Curse.
Calm/Modest Flame Body Slugma with Toxic and Acid Armor.
Naive/Adamant/Jolly Moody(HA)/Inner Focus/Ice Body Snorunt with Spikes, Toxic and Ice Beam
Bold/Modest Regenerator(HA) Slowpoke with either Ice Beam, Calm Mind and Psyshock or Ice Beam and Fire Blast.
Naive/Timid/Adamant/Jolly Zorua with Swords Dance, Grass Knot, U-Turn, Sucker Punch and Dark Pulse (any combination of these moves).
Admant Damp(HA) Mudkip with Toxic and Waterfall.
Timid/Modest Trace Ralts with Destiny Bond, Disable, Shadow Ball and, either Psyshock or Will-o-wisp.
Jolly/Adamt Telepathy(HA, becomes Justified when evolved into gallade) Ralts with Shadow Sneak.
Adamant/Jolly Pure Power Meditite with Baton Pass, Fake Out, Ice Punch and Thunder Punch.
Timid Magic Guard(HA) Abra with Encore, Shadow Ball and Grass Knot.
Adamant/Careful/Impish Sturdy Aron with Curse, Earthquake, Rest and Sleep Talk.
Naive/Jolly Super Luck Absol with Baton Pass, Play Rough, Fire Blast and Ice Beam.
Timid/Modest Flash Fire Houndour with Sludge Bomb, Fire Blast, Will-o-Wisp and Dark Pulse.
Calm/Modest Static Mareep with Agility, Electric Terrain, Rest and Sleep Talk
Modest Simple(Evolves to Solid Rock Camerupt) Numel with Ancient Power, Toxic, Fire Blast and Will-o-Wisp.
Adamant/Impish Sturdy Onix with Heavy Slam, Toxic and Earthquake.
Naughty/Adamant/Jolly Speed Boost(HA) Carvanha with Destiny Bond, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam and Waterfall.
Timid/Jolly/Impish/Adamant Sheer Force(HA)/Rock Head Bagon with Dragon Dance, Fire Fang, Hydro Pump, Fire Blast.
Jolly Unnerve(HA) Aerodactyl with Pursuit, Roost, Earthquake and Stone Edge.
Jolly/Adamant Scrappy Kangaskhan with Double-Edge, Earthquake and Crush Claw.
Adamant/Jolly/Hasty Speed Boost(HA) Venipede with Poison Jab, Spikes, Toxic Jab and Pin Missile.
Bold/Modest Oblivious/Swift Swim Feebas with Haze, Mirror Coat, Rest, Sleep Talk, Rest, Ice Beam (any combination of these moves)
Jolly Pinsir with Close Combat, Quick Attack, Earthquale and Swords Dance(Level up move)
Timid Rain Dish(HA)/Liquid Ooze Tentacool with Knock Off, Rapid Spin and Toxic
Naive/Jolly Thick Fat(HA) Piloswine with Freeze Dry, Icicle Crash and Icicle Spear.
Timid Contrary(HA) Snivy with Glare, Grassy Terrain and Toxic
Sassy/Adamant/Jolly Honedge with Toxic, Flash Cannon and Gyro Ball; with a value of 0 in speed IV on request(Else it’ll be a 5 IV one)
Calm/Timid Technician(HA)/Natural Cure Budew/Roselia with Leaf Storm, Synthesis, Spikes, Sludge Bomb, Extrasensory, Sleep Powder and Giga Drain (any combination of these moves); Note: If you want extrasensory, 5IV will not be guaranteed since one parent needs to hold a rose incense and extrasensory is the egg move of only budew.
Calm Swift Swim(HA) Poliwag with Encore, Rest and Toxic
Jolly Taillow with Roost, Facade, U-Turn and Brave Bird(Level up move)
Adamant/Jolly Poison Touch(HA) Croagunk with Fake Out and Drain Punch
Adamant/Jolly Quick Feet(HA, becomes Technician upon evolution)/Poison Heal Shroomish with Drain Punch, Swords Dance, Bullet Seed and Facade
Jolly Mienfoo with Knock Off, Poison Jab and U-Turn(Level up move)
Jolly Moxie(HA) Heracross with Swords Dance, Facade and Rock Blast
Adamant Gale Wings(HA) Fletchling with Swords Dance
Bold/Calm Friend Guard(HA) Cleffa with Flamethrower, Aromatherapy and Wish
Bold/Calm Chlorophyll(HA) Bulbasaur with Giga Drain and Sludge Bomb
Rash/Modest Swift Swim/Sniper Horsea with Waterfall, Ice Beam and Dragon Dance
Adamant Scrappy(HA) Pancham with Foul Play, Brick Break, Swords Dance and Rock Slide
Impish Cloud Nine(HA) Swablu with Haze, Roost, Substitute™ and Hyper Voice
Jolly/Adamant Sheer Force(HA) Totodile with Aqua Jet. Dragon Dance, Swords Dance, Ice Punch and Waterfall (any combination of these moves).
Careful/Adamant/Jolly Mold Breaker(HA) Drilbur with Skull Bash and Toxic
Bold Static Stunfisk with Earth Power, Sludge Bomb, Toxic and Sludge Wave
Adamant Noctem(HA) Spiritomb with Pain Split, Destiny Bond and Will-o-Wisp
Adamant Guts Timburr with Drain Punch, Mach Punch, Toxic and Poison jab
Adamant/Jolly Rough Skin(HA) Gible with Earthquake, Rock Climb, Fire Blast, Iron Head and Outrage (any combination of these moves).
Timid Flash Fire(HA) Cyndaquil with Extrasensory, Flame Burst and Fire Blast.
Sassy/Relaxed Iron Barbs Ferroseed with Leech Seed, Spikes, Gyroball(Level up move) and Toxic; with a value of 0 in speed IV on request
Careful/Bold Prankster(HA) Sableye with Recover, Calm Mind and Will-O-Wisp
Naive/Adamant/Jolly/Timid/Modest Prankster(HA) Riolu with Bullet Punch, Crunch, Vacuum Wave and Earthquake
Timid/Bold Serene Grace Togepi with Nasty Plot, Extrasensory and Morning Sun
Adamant Pickup Phanpy with Head Smash, Ice Shard, Play Rough and Toxic
Bold Water Absorb(HA) Tympole with Refresh, Rest and Earthpower.
Timid Deino with Dark Pulse.
Adamant/Jolly Sneasel with Ice Crash, Pursuit, Swords Dance and Poison Jab.
Adamant/Jolly Defiant Pawniard with Sucker Punch, Pusruit, Swords Dance(Level up move) and Brick Break
Adamant Huge Power Marill with Rain Dance, Belly Drum, Aqua Jet and Waterfall
Impish Sand Stream Hippopotas with Slack Off, Stockpile, Whirwind and Toxic
Modest Sap Sipper Goomy with Sludge Bomb and Thunderbolt(TM move)
Adamant/Jolly Moxie Scraggy with Dragon Dance, Fake Out, Drain Punch, Ice Punch(Fake Out can be replaced with Poison Jab on request)
Calm/Bold/Timid/Modest Anticipation(HA) Eevee with Wish, Toxic, Substitute(Available TM) and Shadow Ball.
Bold/Calm Natural Cure/Serene Grace Chansey with Toxic, Seismic Toss, Flame Thrower and Heal Bell.
Rash/Modest Sniper Horsea with Rain Dance, Outrage, Ice Beam and Waterfall.
Naive/Jolly/Adamant Skill Link Shellder with Rock Blast, Icicle Spear and Rapid Spin.
Bold/Impish Sturdy/Weakness Armour(HA) Skarmory with Brave Bird, Roost, Whirlwind and Toxic.
Timid/Modest Gastly with Toxic, Will-O-Wisp and Sludge Bomb.
Adamant/Jolly Guts Larvitar with Stealth Rock(Tutor in last city), Dragon Dance, Outrage and Pursuit.
Modest Rain Dish(HA) Squirtle with Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse and Ice Beam.
Timid Lightning Rod Electrike with Flamethrower, Volt Switch and HP Ice.
Modest/Timid/Jolly/Hasty/Naive Protean(HA) Froakie with Ice Beam, Toxic Spikes and Grass Knot.
Modest/Timid Hustle(HA) Nidoran with Ice Beam, Sludge Bomb and
Thunderbolt(TM has been released in 1.1, but the nido will still have it, just fyi) -
Adamant/Jolly Growlithe with Close Combat, Morning Sub, Wild Charge and Flare Blitz(Level up move)
Adamant/Jolly Limber(HA) Buneary with Fake Out and 3 elemental punches.
Adamant/Jolly Limber(HA) Buneary with Encore, Fake Out, Ice Punch and Power-up Punch.
Impish/Adamant/Jolly Technician Scyther with Roost, Brick Break and U-turn
Adamant/Timid/Modest/Jolly/Impish Charmander with Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Claw, Outrage and Swords Dance (any combination of these moves)
Adamant/Jolly Strong Jaw/Sturdy(HA) Tyrunt with Dragon Dance, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Stone Edge, Rock Slide (any combination of these moves).
Adamant/Jolly Speedboost(HA) Torchic with Baton Pass, Swords Dance, Night Slash and Low Kick
Adamant/Jolly Adaptability(HA) Corphish with Dragon Dance, Superpower, Aqua Jet and Waterfall
Level 71 Pickup Pokemon.
IV Stones
Heart Scales
Dittos, Pokerus and Frisk Sentrets with Covet.
Shiny Pokemon
The current mystery gift Lizzy(looking for only 5 of them).
Adamant Delta Snorunt/Glalie
Payment Info: If you make a request, kindly make a suitable offer for it.
Your Offer:
Your Request
Shiny pokemon:
1 EV trained 5IV pokemon with Egg moves (Of your choice, willing to train upto lvl 50 if requested) plus 1 IV stone (or) 3 level 1 pokemon with 5IV and Egg moves plus 2 IV stones
The current mystery gift Lizzy:
1 IV stone.
Kanto Starter Mega stones:
1 EV trained 5IV pokemon with Egg moves (Of your choice, willing to train upto lvl 50 if requested) plus 1 IV stone (or) 3 level 1 pokemon with 5IV and Egg moves plus 2 IV stones
Requested good natured Deltas:
2 level 1 pokemon with 5IV and Egg moves plus 2 IV stones
Note: The following and only the following stuff is free;
Ditto(Specify which nature you want); Only one per person , I will request a random pokemon that can be caught in Friend Safari or earlier routes.
Frisk Sentret with Covet;
This one is free
This one is also free
Further info:
My timezone is utc+05:30.
Please specify the nature/ability among those mentioned above that you want. If you want a nature other than what is mentioned above, please specify that as well.
If you want a different pokemon(other than the ones mentioned) EV trained or bred in exchange for a shiny or kanto starter mega stone, feel free to ask
Feel free to offer other stuff, but please keep in mind that I might not be interested in them as I already have a lot(if not most) of stuff.
If you’re offering a shiny or positive natured delta, please show a screenshot of all the five( Info, Trainer Memo, Skills, EV & IV and Moves) pages (sample) in the summary.
I can also breed any 5IV pokemon with choice of ability,nature etc as long as it is available and possible(meaning other than deltas,legendary and kricketot line) in insurgence.
The old shop is still here.