Route 2 ecounter:
Route 2 ecounter:
At the start it said many legendries cannot be encountered but here we are :
say hi to @ezlaturbo
Finished route 2 encounters
Wouldn’t have minded Dracofish, Lycanroc or Articuno…
Somehow got a lvl 15. Larvitar in virdian forest.
Virdian forest encounters for now i wanted to go vs Falkner first.
Falkner is a jhonto gym leader trying to gather research on mega evolution in the museum lets do this.
I send out Hawking which one-shot’s Wingull with Hex and gains a Sp.atk boost via ability.
I 2 shot his emolga which lives hex for some reason.
And then one-shot his Ace
Probably because of the +2 Sp.atk
After defeating him and getting roost, i save at the gym where i will stop
I will pick up tommrow bye everyone!
@PeterHolmes74 Tell me a name for Greninja
How about Elena?
Also, Mat Block is the only protect style move without any priority on it.
Aye nice
yay, i love stephan hawking, hawking for short
also cool greninja, wish insurgence had battle bond, also how do you download redical
i downloaded radical red onto my Gameboy via trading a bad egg from my computer into my fire Red save. it then safely infected the game cartdrige to turn it into radical red.
btw any side quests i do?
for example im completing the dexnav by seeing every Pokémon on every route
Welp today i’m taking on brock