Hello, here's Efra!

Hello! My name is Efrain but you may call me Efra, or The Red Compatriot (whatever you prefer to call me). I write a blog in Spanish (my mother tongue) about human development, funny anecdotes and interpersonal relationships, it is located here if you are interested (it is in Spanish). :yum:

I just started playing Insurgence since last year and decided to write some kind of Ā“Ā“adventure logĀ“Ā“ for me, meanwhile playing, just for fun. Currently I got two Gym Badges and it was super cool, funny and challenging getting to this point (reaching Lv 40 with my PokĆ©mon so soon!! :joy::joy: for example). It is very cool to play this kind of PokĆ©mon game during the quarantine (this is my second fangame I have played, the first one being PokĆ©mon ƍndigo --currently named UnovaRPG). :video_game:

I will try to complete the game without reading too much into the wiki yet, or at least until I beat the Champion and the Elite Four.

Some of my other hobbies include reading, playing videogames, doing exercise (I love going on the bike :bike: ) and helping my friends in the youth groups. One of my dreams is to become a successful book writer and a wonderful speaker in conferences as well.

So, thanks for reading and having me in! Have a nice day! :sunny:


Nice to meet you! Hope you stick around!


pls stay forums r dying


angry/ depressed?

Happy to see you here Efra! If you ever need teambuilding or PokĆ©mon moveset ideas, just ask me. Iā€™ve been doing few series to help you on competitive PokĆ©mon if that interest you.

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Yo hey! Nameā€™s Fire, and welcome! This place is cool (aside from some exceptions) and I think youā€™ll have fun here. If ya need anything, donā€™t hesitate to ask, and hope ya have fun!


Also, I play Unovarpg as well. I have a whole shiny living dev lmao!!

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Thank you, Firefiber! Whoa, glad to see Iā€™m not the only one who played that game before :smiley:

@GiaPeNiw @ezlaturbo



Sure! I am a fan of the False Swipe Gaming Youtube Channel already, I also appreciate your help in here. Although I donā€™t play that much Showdown anymore, I will take your advise gladly if I need any help about beating game content or tournaments.


Nope, I donā€™t think so xD Although I would appreciate being able to leave my home to spend the day with my lady in Valentineā€™s Day :sneezing_face: Thank godness I have books, videogames, my brothers, my mom and my parrots to spend the day with me

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Indian was asking about @Derpysagaā€™s PFP, she has a different one for different emotions. Yeah, feel free to ask for any help you might need here!


I have a serie called Analyzed where I cover how good certains PokĆ©mon are in the competitive metagame of PokĆ©mon Insurgence. However, my assumptions are very close to be bul :poop: most of the times so itā€™s more a place where you can get some modestes for your PokĆ©mon.

I also have Competitive trainer school if you would like to learn some competitive tips are other cool stuff.
Justā€¦ Please, do NOT use my samples teams for the episode 5 because they suck. Just look at how I build my teams and try to apply it if possible.

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we dont talk of it

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@ezlaturbo thanks.

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