Hi I’m Lesss, an avid fan of this game, I often find myself shiny hunting these days, and since we don’t really have a big list of available friend safaris, I started to make one.
I am compiling/ proof-checking all the safaris I can find in our previous reddit page, our wiki. and some list made by previous players, i want to ask you to help me with this project by adding your safari ID’s on this thread (doesn’t matter if you only have 2 slots of pokemons available since I will check them 1 by 1,)
After I’m done with the list I will share it here. It might take a while but I hope you can help me.
IMPORTANT Make sure your base is UPLOADED first.
First Draft:
All the safaris here have been checked and visited by me,
Please continue to add in new safari’s to this thread, i will continue to update the safari list daily.
Thanks in advance.
Safari: Lesss
Type : Normal
Pokes: Eevee, Sentret, Zangoose