Here are all the requests I didn’t get to, if you want to give them a try. I’ll put the name of the requester next to each one (sorry in advance for mentioning you guys).
JojoBoss247 (I’ll just ping @Piazziami861 so he can tell Jojo I remembered): Ground Type Grookey line, with Rillaboom being part Fighting.
@pokemonster97: Electric-Fairy Beedrill line.
@Crystal: Poison-Psychic Oshawott line.
@BlackCinders: Fairy-Water Reshiram, Fairy-Ground Zekrom, and Fairy-Steel Kyurem.
@ShayminUp7: Grass-Fighting Furret (with a Mega) and Poison-Fairy Shaymin (check here for the full post, including beta images).
@Taco: Poison Type Panpour, Bug Type Pansage, and Psychic Type Pansear lines.
@pokenmaster: Unspecified Delta Necrozma.