About two years ago, a user called TheOSC made a fantastic alternate sprite for Delta Gardevoir, which you can see here. In the same thread, EnderDark4K made some nice additions to the head of the mega form, too. I still really liked some parts of the original design, so I decided to combine the original with the alternate, and here’s what I came up with:
Front Sprite: Front Sprite (Mega): Back Sprite: Back Sprite (Mega): Icons: Icons (Mega): Walking Sprites:
All credit for the original designs goes to the Pokemon Insurgence team, TheOSC and EnderDark4K. All I did was mix-and-match and add a few things here and there. I hope you enjoy it!
I am absolutely loving these. I see on the original thread EnderDark4K already made shiny sprites for the mega form but would it be possible to get shiny sprites for your base form, icons and the walking sprites? I just started playing Insurgence and i am already planing on having delta gardevoir on my team.
Hi Cadrack! I’d be glad to do that. Do you plan on saving and loading until you get a shiny, or is this just in case it happens (in the 1/1,000,000 chance) to be a shiny first try? Just wondering. Have a good time playing, and don’t let the game eat your life! XD
These are fantastic! I’m going to try saving and loading for a bit and failing that maybe some breading (since delta ditto works for that). Gardevoir has been my favorite pokemon since Emerald and almost always makes it into my final team on every play through. I’ll try not to spend TO much of my life playing XD. Thank you so much!
Well, thanks! If the saving and loading doesn’t work, and I have a feeling it might take too long, you could always swap the shiny and the normal sprites in the Graphics->Battlers file. You’ll have to go there anyway to replace the current sprites. It won’t technically be a shiny, but if you like the dark look better, that’s one way to get it. Have a good time!
Just a heads up, I don’t think you can get Delta Ditto until you beat the main story, but since I haven’t done that yet, I’m not sure. I heard it on a forum somewhere. At any rate, I’m at the level 60-range and haven’t gotten it yet. By the way, if you don’t know where Delta Gardevoir is, highlight the following block for a hint. [look for a hut on the shore of a river…]
If i have to wait for the post game for breeding that’s fine. That’s when i typically do that anyway . I might do a sprite swap until then. Thank you again!
Oh wait, you’re still on. Then this means that technically this isn’t reviving a post if the creator is still on.
Can you make different gallade sprites? I don’t like the original & the mega leaves mush to be desired.
I’m sorry, but actually creating new sprites from scratch is beyond my ability. I didn’t create the alternate sprite, I just fused it with the original sprite and made some modifications. I hope you can find someone who can help, maybe the maker of the base alternate sprite, TheOSC?