Second Plan is level 20 and I accidentially made Exp. Gas forget Curse. Woopsy! now, I can’t farm Joey anymore.
Its the daily routine.
Kaminari II sucks… I think about dropping him.
Wait who is kaminari again?
Adamant Raichu. He sucks.
If talking about his name origin, its a UA student from My Hero Academia. He has electric power but his brain shortcut when he uses his power too much. He then become really stupid for few moments.
Abyssal Cult. He need to keep up.
But yeah, I guess I don’t need it anymore.
The only good attack it gets is thunder punch and you only get that by breeding/tutor in nexa town.
Item Picker just gave me King’s Rock! Thanks.
let the flinching begin…
That won’t work with me.
True Story: On a parralysed Pokémon, I used Air Slash with a Serene Grace Togekiss holding King’s Rock 5 times. I missed once and the opponent attacked 5 times and knoked my Togekiss out.
That happened twice.
Oh my gosh…
I NEVER done anything with Togekiss.
noice. you gonna breed some nature synchronizers?
Of course! Almost half of my resets are nature ones, no way I’ll reset for a day to get a positive natured Pokémon.
gets a synchronizer for each nature
In fact… Yeah, thats my plan. Except for neutral nature. At least get Adamant, Jolly, Timid and Modest.