Amoung the legends: Whole Game No Faint Challenge

those are the BEST natures out there. the only ones i would use.

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except for bold, calm, careful, and impish

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and quiet/brave/relaxed/sassy for tr or stall

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Right before my Nora Battle with only 3 trained Pokémon. I hear a big OOF from far away… Do you think I can do this with All For One, Hitoshi and Second Plan?

sending good luck omens through the computer

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Starting the game and we get a crit.


Ah. Didn’t set up my tailwind in time.

this that…


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And forgot I couldn’t learn Tailwind to my Pokémon becasue it neded Silver Wind.

I’m so dumb.

aren’t we all sometimes?

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Only half in my time. Part Time Smart.

So close!

um… kings rock doesn’t stack with flinching movies anymore.

It was back in Gen 7.

Ugh, the one time I use mobile. I can see why ppl hate autocorrect.


Alright! Feels tired, but I guess I want to get over Nora. Time for updates.

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Ok… What does she have already?

Hum. Fine. Gona ba a pain in the a**.

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We were so close! but we couldn’t find anything to switch into his Golbat.

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Another failed try because we ate 3 crits in a row!

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You know, I would have love you didin’t CRIT ME AGAIN!