Venusaur down! 41 HP left. If I tank his Dreeling’s Take Down, I OHKO him with Draining kiss.
The crowd of those voices in my head are crasy!
Poggers! First gym down eh?!
And that’s why you need +1 or 2 in speed.
LETS GO!!! I am so happy rn you don’t even know
MVP of the match, Hitoshi who used Calm Mind and avoided burns. He took a crit from energy ball, but that wasn’t enough to stop him.
Now, the next major battle is Nora at Metchi Town. Considering It would be a 3v6, I think it is time to train Second Plan whe Caterpie.
These are the resets stats yet:
(Nature reset) Starter: 11
(Failed attempt) Ennemy Roserade Poison Sting Crit on Hitoshi: 1
(Failed attempt) Ennemy Machoc (1hp) bide on Hitoshi: 1
(Failed attempt) Ennemy Trapinch Bulldose on All For One: 1
(Failed attempt) Ennemy Trapinch Bulldose on Hitoshi: 2
(Failed attempt) Ennemy Trapinch Bulldose on Kaminari II: 1
(Failed attempt) Wild Axew Dual Chop on Kaminari II: 1
(Failed attempt) Orion’s Deerling Take Down on Hitoshi: 1
(Failed attempt) Orion’s Vulpix Flamthrower Burn on Hitoshi: 4
(Failed attempt) Orion’s Vulpix Flamthrower Crit on Hitoshi: 2Total resets: 25
those are a lot of resets…
You see why I had a so huge side objective? if I take as much resets to each Gym Leaders, the 120 resets you kinda imposed me would be over after Harmony.
Side objective of 175 resets seems justifiable.
Now, Second Plan got Sleep Powder and Compound Eyes, making an almost 90 accury sleep move.
That’s all for today. We defeated Orion, that’s great!
Okay then! Gl for Xavier.
…isnt compound eyes sleep powder 97.5%?
Didn’t checked
Alright, rested enough. Its show time!
Ok, time to get Second Plan to an acepptable level. Didn’t saved last time.