Woop, woop

trade name same as username, goldendragonleaf

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Got the deino? Thanks for the swablu

welcome! anytime

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Today ill try to expand my breeding services, giving you more mons to choose from! Stay tuned!

Hello! Iā€™m free to trade now if you are

Sure thing! What is your trading name?


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aighty,sending trade request

got the beldum?

yep. Thank you! Sorry I couldnā€™t give much in return, I literally just started lol

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Haha its fine, this is free service after all xD.

Hey when youā€™ve finished your other requests and such could I also ask for a modest D.Hoothoot with No Guard ability? Sorry for being greedy lmao, I didnā€™t know he was postgame until after I planned out my team

Yeah,sure. Ill just have to actually catch hoothoot first xD

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can u trade rn grape?

keeping the topic open

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I should be available right now. And I finally got notifications working on my phone so Iā€™ll see your reply in time

Nice. Iā€™m available now, if ur still here.

I can trade now (if youā€™re here)

Ok, I can trade. Also I only receive notifications if I get a direct reply.

Edit: Iā€™m going to sleep so I canā€™t anymore

sry i was at a band concert, can u trade now?