Um i went to my save file and this appered

anytime i click “ok” it closes my game
i cant do anything to interact with the game either

thank you also i just realized the reason it was like this was because my game suddenly crashed while it saved before the e4

just wondering do you know where that is because i do not use a launcher and i cannot find it and i really wanna finish the game i have my Pokemon insurgence in a folder but i do not know where the save would be

i checked data but i do not see what they are talking about i do not see any save files or i just don’t know what i’m doing this has never happened before how exactly do i find it?

It’s not in the folder located in downloads. It will be in a completely different directory being C:\Users\(your name)\Saved Games\Pokemon Insurgence. Replace (your name) with the name of the drive/laptop, don’t just try to put that string in the search bar and expect results.

mine is on save fle 2 so would it be game_2.rxdata?


so in insurgence if i did it on that one would it get the save from save file 1 because my corrupted data is on save file 2 in the game

No, that corresponds to your second the save file. Here’s how it works:

game.rxdata = 1

game_1.rxdata = 2

game_2.rxdata = 3

oh ok thanks that make a lot more sense now

where do i put that in? and where do i find the drive name?

It doesn’t show my data. But and game still force closes.

The post is 5 months old. Please don’t revive dead threads.

The drive name can be found by manually searching. It’ll be in your Windows (C:) drive. If you don’t have any data, you either never saved or aren’t looking hard enough.