Its better then the others. the others are just lifeless and static atleast greninja got it.
true, but it’s legs are positioned so awkwardly
it looks like it is using it’s hands to run, and that too in a weird way
i mean it is not the worst walking sprite but greninja is my fav pokemon so i have a right to complain
some backprites are insanely good tho. like mega beedrill
and mega marowak is pretty good too
Yup but most are messy. The custom ones are perfect tho.
I really don’t like Mega Gardevoir’s back sprite. It’s much too high
Woops wrong post.
Karens, anti vaxxers, flat earthers, people who don’t want to pay artists for work because “yOU JUsT mAKe arT FoR A cOUple oF hOUrS eaCH dAy!1!1!!!1!!1!1” school, i absolutely detest it, afk players, parents that say to pause an online game(thankfully my parents or more chill about that), and assholes in general
parents that say to pause an online game
I feel that.
My cat.
teachers who get mad over everything and get angry if you give a valid explanation for not doing something. also most teachers dont know anything about computer and get mad if someone says something technical. its infuriating
Ikr. All of my teachers this year besides my computer’s class teacher and my physic’s/ chemistry’s one probably never owned a computer before. Whenever me or someone else would tell them something about how the computer works they’d just say “YOU, MUTE URSELF YOU’RE DISRUPTING MY LESSON” , like, wtf
same theyre really annoying
Lmao he probs does.
one thing that really really REALLY pisses me is when people wonder trade like level four caterpie. like, I would trade a greninja and then some random person would trade a bidoof or a caterpie.
That accurately describes every singe one of my Wonder Trade attempts.
There was that time before SWSH was released when I noticed I got shiny competitive Pokémon at a certan moment of the afternoon, probably some sort of German streamer doing givaways.
MY GOD I hate when that happens.