The Insurgence Randomizer Playthrough

will wait for five votes

ok so my giritina will be in altered form (yes i know that there were only 4 votes but the result was obvious)

the elite four battle has started


kayla battle -

by the way i am using no items in battle

our team after the battle(thank god this is not a nuzlocke)


Edward battle -

his mega-

yuki battle -

reukra battle -

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That UFI hit me hard… I tried to complete the dex once lol

half of his team is prevolves lol


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should i do postgame
  • hail yeah
  • this playthrough is over

0 voters

if this playthrough is over then i will continue the uranium playthrough

nah uranium’s too easy


you can comment which challenge run except shinylocke i should do in insurgence