Trading Name: sleepy
- Shiny Pokemon in exchange for anything listed here except the freebies.
A ralts/abra with synchronize ability and nature of your choice ,maximum two per person.
A freshly caught ditto(please specify if you want hidden ability) nature of your choice ,maximum two per person.
Jolly sentret with Frisk ability and the move covet(Helps for stealing wild held items) ,one per person.
Any hidden ability or 3rd slot pokemon ,one per person.
In exchange for shinies:
IV Stones
All of currently available megastones(including starters and previous mystery gifts), one mega stone per shiny depending on my interest in your shiny and if I think it’s worth it.
6IV ditto with nature of your choice.
5IV Pokemon | Nature | Ability | Egg moves |
Abra | Timid | Magic Guard(HA) | Encore, Shadow Ball and Grass Knot. |
Absol | Naive/Jolly | Super Luck | Baton Pass, Play Rough, Fire Blast and Ice Beam. |
Aerodactyl | Jolly/Adamant | Unnerve(HA) | Pursuit, Roost, Earthquake and Stone Edge. |
Aron | Adamant/Careful/Impish | Sturdy | Curse, Earthquake, Rest and Sleep Talk. |
Bagon | Timid/Jolly/Impish/Adamant | Sheer Force(HA)/Rock Head | Dragon Dance, Fire Fang, Hydro Pump, Fire Blast. |
Bulbasaur | Bold/Calm | Chlorophyll(HA) | Giga Drain and Sludge Bomb. |
Buneary | Adamant/Jolly | Limber(HA) | Encore, Fake Out, Ice Punch and Power-up Punch. |
Budew | Calm/Timid | Technician(HA)/Natural Cure | Leaf Storm, Synthesis, Spikes, Sludge Bomb, Extrasensory, Sleep Powder and Giga Drain (any combination of these moves). |
Buneary | Adamant/Jolly | Limber(HA) | Fake Out and 3 elemental punches. |
Carvanha | Naughty/Adamant/Jolly | Speed Boost(HA) | Destiny Bond, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam and Waterfall. |
Chansey | Bold/Calm | Natural Cure/Serene Grace | Toxic, Seismic Toss, Flame Thrower and Heal Bell. |
Charmander | Adamant/Timid/Modest/Jolly/Impish | Blaze | Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Claw, Outrage and Swords Dance *(any combination of these moves)*. |
Cleffa | Bold/Calm | Friend Guard(HA) | Flamethrower, Aromatherapy and Wish. |
Corphish | Adamant/Jolly | Adaptability(HA) | Dragon Dance, Superpower, Aqua Jet and Waterfall. |
Cottonee | Bold/Impish/Timid | Infriltrator/Prankster | Encore, Switcheroo and Memento. |
Croagunk | Adamant/Jolly | Poison Touch(HA)/Dry Skin | Fake Out and Drain Punch. |
Cyndaquil | Timid | Flash Fire(HA) | Extrasensory, Flame Burst and Fire Blast. |
Deino | Timid | Dark Pulse. | |
Drilbur | Careful/Adamant/Jolly | Mold Breaker(HA) | Skull Bash and Toxic. |
Electrike | Timid | Lightning Rod | Flamethrower, Volt Switch and HP Ice. |
Eevee | Calm/Bold/Timid/Modest | Anticipation(HA) | Wish, Toxic, Substitute(Available TM) and Shadow Ball. |
Elekid | Jolly | Vital Spirit(HA)/Static | Cross Chop, Ice Punch, Meditate and Wild Charge. |
Feebas | Bold/Modest | Oblivious/Swift Swim | Haze, Mirror Coat, Rest, Sleep Talk, Rest, Ice Beam (any combination of these moves). |
Fletchling | Adamant | Gale Wings(HA) | Swords Dance. |
Foongus | Bold | Regenerator(HA) | Stun Spore and Sludge Bomb. |
Froakie | Modest/Timid/Jolly/Hasty/Naive | Protean(HA) | Ice Beam, Toxic Spikes and Grass Knot. |
Gastly | Timid/Modest | Levitate | Toxic, Will-O-Wisp and Sludge Bomb. |
Gible | Adamant/Jolly | Rough Skin(HA) | Earthquake, Fire Blast, Iron Head and Outrage. |
Gligar | Careful | Immunity(HA) | Toxic, Earthquake, Facade and Rock Slide. |
Goomy | Modest | Sap Sipper | Sludge Bomb and Thunderbolt(Available TM). |
Growlithe | Adamant/Jolly | Intimidate/Flash Fire | Close Combat, Morning Sun, Wild Charge and Flare Blitz(Level up move). |
Heracross | Jolly | Moxie(HA) | Swords Dance, Facade and Rock Blast. |
Hippopotas | Impish | Sand Stream | Slack Off, Stockpile, Whirwind and Toxic. |
Horsea | Rash/Modest | Sniper | Rain Dance, Outrage, Ice Beam and Waterfall. |
Horsea | Rash/Modest | Sniper/Swift Swim | Waterfall, Ice Beam and Dragon Dance. |
Houndour | Timid/Modest | Flash Fire | Sludge Bomb, Fire Blast, Will-o-Wisp and Dark Pulse. |
Kangaskhan | Jolly/Adamant | Scrappy(HA) | Double-Edge, Hammer Arm, Crush Claw and Earthquake. |
Larvesta | Timid/Modest | Flame Body | Morning Sun. |
Larvitar | Adamant/Jolly | Guts | Stealth Rock(Tutor in last city), Dragon Dance, Outrage and Pursuit. |
Machop | Adamant/Jolly | Guts/No Guard | Knock Off(Also a level up move), Bullet Punch and Heavy Slam. |
Mareep | Calm/Modest | Static | Agility, Electric Terrain, Rest and Sleep Talk. |
Marill | Adamant | Huge Power | Rain Dance, Belly Drum, Aqua Jet and Waterfall. |
Mawile | Impish/Adamant | Sheer Force(HA)/Intimidate | Toxic, Rock Slide and Swords Dance. |
Meditite | Adamant/Jolly | Pure Power | Baton Pass, Fake Out, Ice Punch and Thunder Punch. |
Mienfoo | Jolly | Inner Focus/Regenerator | Knock Off, Poison Jab and U-Turn(Level up move). |
Miltank | Impish/Relaxed | Sap Sipper(HA)/Scrappy | Earthquake, Rock Slide, Rest and Curse. |
Mudkip | Admant | Damp(HA) | Toxic and Waterfall. |
Nidoran | Modest/Timid | Hustle(HA) | Ice Beam, Sludge Bomb and |
Numel | Modest | Simple | Ancient Power, Toxic, Fire Blast and Will-o-Wisp. |
Onix | Adamant/Impish | Sturdy | Heavy Slam, Toxic and Earthquake. |
Pancham | Adamant/Jolly | Scrappy(HA) | Foul Play, Brick Break, Swords Dance and Rock Slide. |
Pawniard | Adamant/Jolly | Defiant | Sucker Punch, Pusruit, Swords Dance(Level up move) and Brick Break. |
Phanpy | Adamant | Pickup | Head Smash, Ice Shard, Play Rough and Toxic. |
Pidgey | Timid | Big Pecks(HA)/Keen Eye | U-Turn. |
Pinsir | Jolly | - | Close Combat, Quick Attack, Earthquale and Swords Dance(Level up move). |
Poliwag | Calm | Swift Swim(HA) | Encore, Rest and Toxic. |
Ralts | Jolly/Adamt | Telepathy(HA) | Shadow Sneak. |
Riolu | Naive/Adamant/Jolly/Timid/Modest | Prankster(HA) | Bullet Punch, Crunch, Vacuum Wave and Earthquake. |
Roselia | Calm/Timid | Technician(HA)/Natural Cure | Leaf Storm, Synthesis, Spikes, Sludge Bomb, Extrasensory, Sleep Powder and Giga Drain (any combination of these moves). |
Sableye | Careful/Bold | Prankster(HA) | Recover, Sucker Punch, Calm Mind and Will-O-Wisp. |
Scraggy | Adamant/Jolly | Moxie | Dragon Dance, Fake Out, Drain Punch, Ice Punch(Fake Out can be replaced with Poison Jab on request). |
Scyther | Impish/Adamant/Jolly | Technician | Roost, Brick Break and U-turn. |
Shellder | Naive/Jolly/Adamant | Skill Link | Rock Blast, Icicle Spear and Rapid Spin. |
Shroomish | Adamant/Jolly | Quick Feet(HA)/Poison Heal | Drain Punch, Swords Dance, Bullet Seed and Facade. |
Shuppet | Adamant | Insomnia/Frisk | Gunk Shot, Destiny Bond, Confuse Ray and Phantom Force. |
Skarmory | Bold/Impish | Sturdy/Weakness Armour(HA) | Brave Bird, Roost, Whirlwind and Toxic. |
Slowpoke | Bold/Modest | Regenerator(HA) | Either Ice Beam, Calm Mind and Psyshock or Ice Beam and Fire Blast. |
Slugma | Calm/Modest | Flame Body | Toxic and Acid Armor. |
Sneasel | Adamant/Jolly | Inner Focus/Keen Eye | Ice Crash, Pursuit, Swords Dance and Poison Jab. |
Snivy | Timid | Contrary(HA) | Glare, Grassy Terrain and Toxic. |
Snorunt | Naive/Adamant/Jolly | Moody(HA)/Inner Focus/Ice Body | Spikes, Toxic and Ice Beam. |
Snover | Mild/Adamant | Sound Proof(HA) | Seed Bomb, Facade and Swords Dance. |
Spiritomb | Adamant | Noctem(HA) | Pain Split, Destiny Bond and Will-o-Wisp. |
Squirtle | Modest | Rain Dish(HA) | Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse and Ice Beam. |
Starly | Jolly/Adamant | Reckless(HA) | Double-Edge, Roost and U-Turn. |
Stunfisk | Bold | Static | Earth Power, Sludge Bomb, Toxic and Sludge Wave. |
Swablu | Impish | Cloud Nine(HA) | Haze, Roost, Substitute(Available TM) and Hyper Voice. |
Swinub | Naive/Jolly | Thick Fat(HA) | Freeze Dry, Icicle Crash and Icicle Spear. |
Taillow | Jolly | Guts | Roost, Facade, U-Turn and Brave Bird(Level up move). |
Tentacool | Timid | Rain Dish(HA)/Liquid Ooze | Knock Off, Rapid Spin and Toxic. |
Timburr | Adamant | Guts | Drain Punch, Mach Punch, Toxic and Poison Jab. |
Togepi | Timid/Bold | Serene Grace | Nasty Plot, Extrasensory and Morning Sun. |
Torchic | Adamant/Jolly | Speedboost(HA) | Baton Pass, Swords Dance, Night Slash and Low Kick. |
Totodile | Jolly/Adamant | Sheer Force(HA) | Aqua Jet. Dragon Dance, Swords Dance, Ice Punch and Waterfall (any combination of these moves). |
Tympole | Bold | Water Absorb(HA) | Refresh, Rest and Earthpower. |
Tyrunt | Adamant/Jolly | Strong Jaw/Sturdy(HA) | Dragon Dance, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Stone Edge, Rock Slide *(any combination of these moves)*. |
Venipede | Adamant/Jolly/Hasty | Speed Boost(HA) | Poison Jab, Spikes, Toxic Jab and Pin Missile. |
Wooper | Relaxed | Unaware(HA) | Curse, Recover, Encore and Toxic. |
Zubat | Jolly/Adamant | Infiltrator(HA) | Brave Bird, U-Turn , Toxic, Defog, Roost and Sleep Talk (any combination of these moves). |
Zorua | Naive/Timid/Adamant/Jolly | Illusion | Swords Dance, Grass Knot, U-Turn, Sucker Punch and Dark Pulse (any combination of these moves). |
Ferroseed | Sassy/Relaxed | Iron Barbs | Leech Seed, Spikes, Gyroball(Level up move) and Toxic; with a value of 0 in speed IV on request. |
Honedge | Sassy/Adamant/Jolly | No Guard | Toxic, Flash Cannon and Gyro Ball; with a value of 0 in speed IV on request. |
Heart Scales
Level 70 catcher smeagle/gallade with nature, ability and moveset of your choice.
EV trained pokemon, see Payment Info.
If you don’t like any/something among the above listed, please specify your custom request for the pokemon.
Payment Info: If you make a request, kindly make a suitable offer for it.
For shinies, I can offer any one of the following options in exchange;
3 level 1 pokemon with 5IV and Egg moves plus 2 IV stones (or)
4 to 5 level 1 pokemon with 5IV and Egg moves and no IV stones, whether it’s 4 or 5 will depend on my interest in your shiny (or)
1 EV trained 5IV pokemon with Egg moves (Of your choice, willing to train upto lvl 50 if requested) plus 1 IV stone (or)
2 EV trained 5IV pokemon and no IV stones if you don’t care about Egg moves (or)
3 to 6 IV stones, the number of IV stones being dependent on my interest in your shiny (or)
1 level 1 pokemon with 5IV and Egg moves and one Level 70 catcher smeagle/gallade with nature, ability and moveset of your choice plus 1 IV stone (or)
1 megastone and depending on my interest in the shiny, I may add one or two IV stones to the mega stone (or) Note: If you prefer heart scales or PP UPs to IV stones for the above options, please specify it. If you want a different pokemon(other than the ones mentioned) EV trained or bred in exchange for a shiny feel free to ask.
For freebies;
I may ask some freshly caught pokemon from friend safari in exchange for the dittos. Any junkmon would do for the other freebies.
Further info:
My timezone is utc+05:30.
Please specify the nature/ability that you want. If you want a nature other than what is mentioned above, please specify that as well.
If you’re offering a shiny, please show a screenshot of all the five( Info, Trainer Memo, Skills, EV & IV and Moves) pages (sample) in the summary.
I can also breed any 5IV pokemon with choice of ability,nature etc as long as it is available and possible(meaning other than deltas,legendary and kricketot line) in insurgence.
The old shop is still here, it just got closed down
This offer is still open despite the thread being closed, just @ mention me on discord if you have a shiny you’re willing to trade or want the freebies. My discord name is