Shinylockes are...Soulcrushing esp .when lost

Ah ok

I kinda need to go rn can we trade tmrw? Also I hope you get your mew back

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yeah that’s fine, I’m also hoping I get that dumb mew back, i traded something pretty valuable for it

oh man it certainly sucks

I got the mew back, thank god for back ups

uh…dont u get tradebanned for trading smthing and loading a backup

I wouldn’t think so, since I just lost my mew to a glitch, and I’m assuming he’s got the shedinja again

idk think so because they are aware of the bug

ok good to know

although I’d clear it up with a mod or smth before you do that

if you do it anyway

and if they do trade ban me, it would suck a lot, but ig it would make sense

no lmao .why would i do that

You don’t dupe mons by doing this, since you lost your mon and the dude ur trading with still has his mon, so it’s allowed

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ah ok that’s nice to hear lol


are accidental shinies allowed to be caught?


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i like how people use " . "to make it 4 lettered


Thank God you got it back, I was feeling extremely guilty of losing someone’s shiny legend


Also yeah I still have the shed

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