Trading Name: claustrum
Offer: shiny servine with a modest nature and contrary ability. No perfect IVs.
Request: other competitively viable shiny
Further info: caught in friend safari, no egg moves
Trading Name: claustrum
Offer: shiny servine with a modest nature and contrary ability. No perfect IVs.
Request: other competitively viable shiny
Further info: caught in friend safari, no egg moves
What are the IVs?
And does it have Contrary?
Edited my original post: Contrary but bad IVs. (3/6/15/30/25/14)
Lemme check my box and make an offer.
@Mia I’ve got a shiny Timid Houndour. How’s that sound?
Sorry, don´t like Houndour.
“Cow move” nice
Ask the person who traded me that, not me xD
How many stones did it take you to buy this thing?
Oh, I dunno. But I’ve got two of these and zero servines so…
And they both have a custom fairy type move called cow move?
No, and the other one has a much better nickname.
No? Does it say Pig538?
lol ok narcissist
@Mia anyways, how’s the Spiritomb sound?
Spiritomb sounds good. If it´s okay with you however, I would like to keep the Servine in here a little longer so others can have a chance too. But since you were the first to answer, I´m probably going to prioritise your offer!
Sure thing.
How does it being a past mystery gift add to its value? Infact wouldn’t it decrease its value as many other people might have it thus making it less rare which completely defeats the point of having a shiny.