Shiny Servine, modest nature!

Exactly, sadly you´re right. I didn´t remember that all mystery gift Spiritombs were shiny. So the only rare thing about it is the fact that it is a mystery gift which you can´t get anymore and that it has a custom move. So @Cow538: Sorry for the misunderstanding, but I don´t think they are of equal value.

I guess you could argue that for a more recent mystery gift, but this one was from

Though, I’ll make a different offer @Mia

I have a shiny Rapidash, but it isn’t competitively viable (bad nature). I’d throw in 3 IV stones if you were interested in it.

Luckily I already have more IV stones than I´ll ever need. So it´s a no. Sorry!

Damn. Lemme post my boxes and you’ll tell me what you’re interested in, aight?

Let´s do that.

Wow, are all those Delta misdreavous shiny?

Yes, I went overboard on that mystery gift :stuck_out_tongue:

There was a shiny Delta misdreavous mystery gift? Darn…how tf did I miss it…

Interested in:

  • Metang
  • Aegislash
  • Giratina
  • Regigigas
  • Eevee
  • Kyogre
  • Garchomp
  • Tyranitar (Larvitar)
  • Greninja

I don´t know which ones you are willing to give away. Could you give me information like nature/IVs/special moves of the tradeable ones?




The other ones you mentioned I wouldn’t be interested in trading for the Servine.

Are you interested in trading the more valuable shinies if I add IV stones?

Possibly, but do you have any other shinies?

Not really, only Deino and Hydreigon (the mission 5 ones).

Would you be interested in trading the servine + a few stones for a shiny Careful (support set) Tyranitar?

You know what, I just looked through my teams and I think that careful Garchomp (the one you posted the picture of) would be a nice fit.

Okay. Can you trade now?

yes, want to see a picture first?

Sure. Also, what version are you on?