Trading Name: Charnel´s Champion
Offer: Male Shiny Ralts (Not Delta)
Request: Make offer
Further info:Is level 20, has Disarming Voice, Lucky Chant, Magical Leaf and Heal Pulse. Has a Rash nature and no Ev´s so far.
Trading Name: Charnel´s Champion
Offer: Male Shiny Ralts (Not Delta)
Request: Make offer
Further info:Is level 20, has Disarming Voice, Lucky Chant, Magical Leaf and Heal Pulse. Has a Rash nature and no Ev´s so far.
have a shiny zweilous with 31 iv in speed and def with adamant nature
1 EV trained 5IV pokemon with Egg moves (Of your choice, willing to train upto lvl 50 if requested) plus 1 IV stone (or) 3 level 1 pokemon with 5IV and Egg moves plus 2 IV stones from here.
i offer my pokemon from
Can I get a Larvitar with max iv and Ancient power, and a Gligar with max iv and Wing attack? If so, then the shiny is yours!
I will be available for trade 17:30-21:00 every day this week, but i live in sweden so time zones may mess this up. But for the pokemon, I want the larvitar to have a Brave nature, and 5 iv, with the exclusion being speed. For the Gligar, I want admant nature with 5 iv with the exlusion being sp.attack.
Yeah, Im available. Discord name is Charnel´s Champion