Shinies & cool stuffs

Toxic spikes - surf - grass knot - ice beam

Oh. Cool

Would you be interested in a Reuniclite (megastone) ?

Yes, why not, but I’m offline atm

Alright. What could it get me?


What would you give for the reuniclite?

Dunno, are you interested in one of my shinies left or in the froakies? Today I was hunting for some more shiny but found nothing (me sad) Oh, I can also give IV stones

I’ll hold onto it until you find another shiny. I liked the look of metang but that’s for dayday.

Alright then

Any other bred mons you want? I’ll give 3 for 1 shiny. (Sucks I found this so late :slight_smile: ) EDIT: I’m an idiot.

He doesn’t want stones


Oh misread :frowning:

Updated list, now shiny haunter available.

…and I fucking killed a shiny tentacool (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

Of course the shiny you find is one I already have two of

Hey, can i offer you a timid shiny misdreavus for that shiny haunter?

IT’s ok for me, tell me when you can trade

now xD Come to discord and we’ll trade there

Sorry I was off line

You should join the discord server so you can find mg and trade