Shinies & cool stuffs

Just the char Y is ok, dont worry, but the name now is M3tros

Tell me when you type in my name.

Hey, why’d you exit?

It said you exit, LoL

Oh. odd

Go as soon as you are back on the “who do you want to trade with” screen

the server is broken tonight :\

@M3tros Hey, is this ok with you?

  1. I send the char y in exchange for your synchronizer
  2. I switch files
  3. you send delta ralts


go in 5 seconds.

I didnt get

You didn’t get what?

I’ll send D.ralts (?)

First, trade your normal ralts for my tentacool.

Tell me when to type in your name.

type it

Now, trade the shiny for my zorua. Tell me when to type.

type it go

Oh damn… I forgot to take the destiny knot off. Give me a second

@M3tros Ok, I’m ready again. Tell me when to type.

ready too go

Thank you so much!

You’re welcome, finally we did it! :smiley:

Question, what moves do your froakies have?