Radical red Easy randomizer nuzlocke

I’m going to be doing radical red on my Gameboy advanced for a well-known twist! A randomizer nuzlocke on one the most hardest yet up-to-date rom hacks there is. It has 8th generation pokemon + any new moves, new forms and raid dens. A lot of pokemon i battle might have max EVs, plus you can’t use items in any battle and you cant get a free switch after you faint a pokemon.

This randomizer includes randomizing pokemon’s movepools as well as their spawn locations etc.

To start off my adventure i choose my name

(btw any other updates will be mentioned in description up top.)

My nickname is homage to green from the pokemon manga. (in the back obvs.)


and of course

I grab the potion from the PC and set the randomizer option on

well i hate the pokemon manga but ok

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why so?

too dark

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also too much illogical stuff and pokemon murder


how did freaking mewtwo lose to zygarde

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Well i like it :sob:

The darkness is part of the fun.

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See ezlaturbo gets it.

Well i’m ready to start my adventure.

Well, artificial psychic vs the earth. And even if it disable part, it can split itself. Not to mention the BST difference. It can’t win without Ice Beam.

  • Uxie
  • HootHoot
  • Entei

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@ezlaturbo @one_above_all @IndianAnimator @PeterHolmes74
Im closing in 20 minutes won’t wait ;-;

i chose hoothoot cause i am evil


you are so mean :sob: