My run of last fire red (Shiny only)

I think she took off her jacket for the fight?

But here overworld sprite is all wrong lol

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No, her speaking sprite is her adult version. Yes, she got her jacket off, but also managed to get 2 years younger and change her hairstyle

Yeah, and that too.

Bro her first attacker was a palipatoad with Life orb, aqua ring, spikes and mud shot :expressionless:


Ok i gave a life orb to peter & normilium Z to Azelf



Ok so Peter 1 shot the Paliptoad with life orb boosted razor leaf. Then i dynamaxed em to kill the Barreskewda and set up grassy terrain for healing. The schooling dynamaxed but was 2 shot. Her starmie then killed Peter sadly. Above_all came out to spam pluck for chip damage but she spammed cosmic power in return. She then destroyed all my pokemon then it came down to IndianAnimator. He used the Z crystal and then hit one last move with lick killing the Starmie and ending the battle
2nd gym badge.

i completely destroyed nugget bridge.

The girl gave me a rockruff cant use :sad:

ok guys choose my next shiny hunt!

Who to shiny hunt?
  • Galarian FarFetched
  • Indeedee

0 voters

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what the actual fawk

it ran away

He had a marshadow and type:null wasnt hard

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@GiaPeNiw @one_above_all @PeterHolmes74 @ezlaturbo
Im closing poll in about an hour and 30 minutes