HELP! Game.exe has encountered a serious problem

Step 0: Alright first off, try running “wine update” in Terminal on the off chance it works. If it does, congrats you probably just fixed it

Step 1: If not, try redownloading the game here. As far as I can tell, it includes the wine 1.8 files in itself, so your current version of wine elsewhere on the system is irrelevant. When that one is done downloading, drag your .rxdata saves into the game folder (as you’ve previously done). Run the game, and if it allows you to load your old game, skip the next paragraph

Step 1a: If your save game is not available, go to /Users//.wine/users/Wineskin/Saved Games, and copy your old .rxdata save files into there. Now run the game again and it should open your old save

Step 2: Now go try out a wild battle (it’ll be quicker than a trainer battle) and see if it crashes, which it shouldn’t. Report back to me how it goes :smile: