Help for Pokedex completion

Trading Name: Incognito1234

Offer: Anything

Request: Nothing, I don’t even need donations.

Further info: If there is anyone out there who needs help completing the Pokedex or just needs a certain pokemon, I will give one to you. Also should you request a legendary It’d be nice it you could trade it back as I’d like to have it should anyone else need it. This will always be open.


I do need some help ( I am that dude from discord) actually lol, need help with most of the legends lmao, will trade em back, no worries

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Which do you need? That’s the reason this post is up

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Aight, thanks, not at home now, will be back in a very short amount of time , will let ya know which I need when I am back

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Soo, I need deoxys, hoopa, cobalion, jirachi, victini, diancie and… That’s it.
BTW, I also need help with some deltas, would be cool if u could help me with those as well @Incognito1234 , if u can’t , it is perfectly fine

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It’s really not a problem. Im ready to start with the legendaries whenever you are.

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Sure, thanks again man, lemme see which deltas I need BTW

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I am back! So I need, Delta pichu, Delta dunsparce, Delta sableye, Delta mawile, Delta maractus,Delta gollet and Delta deino, let me know if ya cant do them all lmao @Incognito1234

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I can don’t worry, just give me a bit and I’ll have them all.

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Thank u very much, will make my life a lot easier lol

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I have all seven. I’m ready to trade whenever.

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Cool, I’mma go grab trash mons

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I am ready @Incognito1234 , trade name is Kafkinos

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Thanks ya very much man, I guess I should go grab trash for the legends as well?

But you have to trade them back, also which legendaries do you need?

Yeah man, won’t keep em , I am not a scum lmao

These are the ones I need

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Oops, ok I’ll get them and then I’ll be ready.

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I am ready, lmk when ya are aswell
