Help for Pokedex completion

Said ya exited, let’s try again

Thanks ya very much , now the only things I have to catch are some random fs mons and some deltas

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It’s no problem, do you need anything else?

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Hmmm, I do need some more help lmao, ya don’t have to help me tho

Really, it’s no problem, I did the 921 grudge before and I know how tedious it was, so if I can help someone else out I’d be happy to.

Hmmm, u are really kind man, thanks, I mean, it would be nice if u could touch trade me every single pokemon , ok, that was a joke lmao

How much of your pokedex have you completed?

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I have all of the legends I believe, some deltas, missing a lot regular mons ( most are in fs so it shouldn’t be hard getting them)

Which deltas?

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Lemme see

We’ll start there

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I don’t have Delta riolu, Delta buneary, delta plusle and minun, Delta meditite , delra scraggy , Delta koffing, Delta snorunt, Delta phantump, Delta noibat, Delta drifloon, Delta misdreavus, Delta treecko, Delta froakie, Delta tentacool, Delta tangela, Delta kabuto, Delta chinchoo, Delta yamna,Delta girafarig, Delta remoraid, Delta elekid, Delta maybe, Delta numel, Delta clamperl, Berry Delta dweble, Delta foongus, Delta heatmor, Delta amaura and that is it

Sidenote:would never ask anyone to breed so many things lmao, most of these I can capture myself lol, I not an idiot lmao, dont worry

Are you having trouble in finding any of them?

No, it is just annoying to have to go around the region to get em, can definitely get all those myself tho lmao, will probably do that

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I already have a delta Froakie bred, I could try and get some of the more annoying ones like Delta elekid or Delta drifloon.

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Cool, that is fine by me

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I just got elekid, koffing, noibat, and drifloon. Oh and I forgot I had extra Riolus after I breed one for my playthrough.

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I have to go somewhere now, again, thanks for all the help so far

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I got Delta girafarig, Delta snorunt (female), Delta clamperl, and Delta numel. Im gonna stop for now.

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