Giving Away Free torchic with hidden abilities speed boost

torchic egg moves just sword dance

I’m sorry but i have none… im ready when you are

Do you have a strong dark or steel pokemon?

Please can you give me a torchic?

is this still available?

Yeah sure

sorry but I can’t get swords dance on torchic at the moment

ok sure

What egg moves do you want? I’ll Check If I can get them

hey if you can give me a torchic max ivs in attack and speed with swords dance jolly.Ask for anything and i will see if i have it.

Hey when will you be online?

If anyone wants torchics with Ha addamant nature and has sword dance, last resort, baton pass, and low kick and you dont get responce / waiting can just @stances in discord if im on and i can get you one. will be 5 iv and will only trade if you are on the discord not trying to trade through fourms.

I can just give you a speedboost torchic for free

Yeah I do depends on what you want

@stances could you give me one of them? im on discord right now.

you have a beldum?

Yeah of course I can give you one with a hidden ability for free, but if you want egg moves it might cost you some iv stones

supposed to ping me in discord not here…