Currently my team is
Delta Larvesta Defiant, Delta Beldum Sturdy, Delta Frogadier Steadfast, Delta Bulbasaur Psycho Call, Shiny Delta Squirtle Shadow Call, Gastly Levitate
Who should I keep? Who should I dump? and what movesets for the ones I should keep?
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October 30, 2020, 3:34am
keep D. frog, d. bulb, shinies are required to keep, any almost no weakness’, and idk rest.
I’ll find some movesets or you can ask @PeterHolmes74 sorry for the ping.
I realised the shinies in egglockes arent random some eggs are set shinies so I dont mind dumping the squirtle
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October 30, 2020, 3:36am
well i never have done any egglockes so… yea sorry
to be honest i only know because i got a shiny delibird soft reset and got it again just to test it
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October 30, 2020, 3:38am
what is the squirtles nature? also are you doing a randomizer?
no randomizer just an egglocke and its quirky so no raised or lowered stats
October 30, 2020, 3:40am
quirky is fine. if you want you can keep it and just be careful of fairy battles until you get flash cannon
for fairy types larvesta comes out
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October 30, 2020, 3:42am
yea you have some great team synergy!
with d. larvesta and d. bulbasaur that already great synergy the rest are just good pokemon in general
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October 30, 2020, 3:44am
the beldum is bad so, don’t use it till it can learn something other than take down
it has double edge not take down because eeeeehhh egg moves but i wasnt planning on it but something that kind of sucks though is that d. larvesta and d. beldum are useless until fully evolved
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