yeah, I’ll send it now
Ok, tell me when you’re ready
Go now
I’m ready now, it’s also holding one of the iv stones for payment
Try again
okay, go
(edit) Thanks, Cow
Alright, it’ll be trained by tomorrow. I’ll post here when I’m done
Alright. Do you just want Ice Beam or do you want grass knot and toxic spikes as well?
No additional price
Yeah, when everything is done you just have to send me three pokemon holding IV stones.
Not done yet though
Thanks, Cow!
You’re welcome
You have to put them on a pokemon and trade that pokemon.
I’m working on another request from the Discord channel, so I might not get around to your froakie and lottery ticket until later today or tomorrow, sorry about that.
Is anyone interested in running the shop from now on? I don’t have much time to play nowadays
Ownership of the shop means I’ll give you a 6iv ditto, some synchro’s and a flame body talonflame. Rest is up to you to run
Ok let me give you some tests on discord to see if you’re a good fit for the job.
Can I apply?
Yeah. I’ll test you right now while kitten is working on their assignment
This is no longer a breeding shop! It is a…
Welcome to Cow538’s Shiny Trading Corner!
Trading name: Cow538
Shiny Pokemon!
Shiny Pokemon!
Free things from the corner!
One free rare candy per person
One free syncronizer of any nature per person
One heart scale per person
How does trading corner work?
You have a shiny pokemon.
You tell me what shiny pokemon you have.
You post pictures of the shiny pokemon.
I tell you which shinies from the shop inventory you can have for your shiny pokemon.
You choose which shiny you want
We swap shinies. I ALWAYS will give you one to three IV stones whenever we swap shinies.
Well, what shinies are there that I can have?
These are the shinies in the shop inventory!
They are in no particular order.
Anything special about a certain pokemon is noted
Sparkles (Shiftry), has a shiftrite
PogChamp (Exploud)
Mawile, has 6iv and adamant nature, EV trained
Shiny (Plusle)
Rolith (Haxorus), has 6iv and naive nature, EV trained
Goldyrocks (Probopass), has 6iv and adamant nature
Arcanine, has 2iv and jolly nature, EV trained
Goldylocks (Sableye), has Careful nature (best nature for mega sableye)
Valuables only section!
These following pokemon are my most prized possessions and I’m only letting them go for other prized possessions.
DarkDancer (Delta Roserade), Timid nature
Zweillous, Timid nature, 2ivs, EV trained
Dwayne “The Rock” (Tyranitar), Adamant nature, 5ivs
Artemis (Delta Pawniard), Adamant nature
And my most prized possession:
So what are you all waiting for? Offer your shinies today!