Cow538's Shiny shop 🐮 ❺⅜ 💵 ✨

just tell me when you are ready

Alright, I’m ready.

okay nickname megaman 971

@espeon860 here it is:

My nickname is Cow538. I’m sending a trade request in 10 seconds

Go now @espeon860

my internet is messy don’t worry

Try again, please

just had some issue got them fix

Your pokemon aren’t showing up on my screen…

Try one more time?

Again, for the next IV stone


Send a trade request in 2 seconds

@espeon860 again

@espeon860 Try again in five seconds

One more time, go in three seconds

@espeon860 Thanks for trading! And enjoy the pokemon

thank you

I’ll post here when it’s ready

@cow538 I’d like to have my delta shinx ev trained. Think you can ev train it with 252 attack, 252 speed, and 4 defense?

Yeah. Can you send it over now?