Cow538's Mini Mart

now i would like the trochic and froakie for 2 Iv stones

Unfortunately, he isn’t connected right now, try later :wink:


are you back?

Here hi

Can we trade tomorrow

Sure, does today not work ? :frowning:

It past midnight in Pakistan and nap nap time so yea

ill get the abra

And you got the abra. Trade complete, entry added

One more trade before the raffle starts…

cow ill get 1 more

Okay! Whaddya want?


And thats 50! Lottery closed. JK, still a spot left

Yay! When will the winners be announced?

Uh, sorry, one of the guys got banned so there’s still a spot left kek

Fine. I’ll take a Smeargle.

Can it be timid though?

Um, sure. My 6iv ditto is timid, so I only need to switch the destiny knot and everstone