Bredmon Giveaway to Commemorate 1.2!

1.2 Release Giveaway - by Cow538

Trading Name: Cow538

Offer: To celebrate the release of 1.2, I am giving away two boxes (sixty mons) full of 4IV breedjects and 5IV perfect bred mons. One mon per person, can be used for any purpose.
###Why sixty mons?
The new update: 1.2

Years we had to wait until aforementioned update: 50

50 * 1.2 = 60. That’s why.

###How do we get a mon?
Below, is an image of the two boxes. The first mon is “1”, the last is “60”. Just post below what number you want, and I will save that one for you. Also post your tradename. Each row in the box is one species of bred mon. Some of the pokemon in each row are perfect mons (the distinction between perfect and breedject is detailed below) where the rest are just breedjects. You have to guess which ones are optimal.

###How many of the mons are perfect? What does perfect mean?
55% total of the mons are “perfect”, meaning they have an optimal nature, IVs, ability, egg moves, etc. Here is an example of a perfect mon:

Here is a “breedject”:

###Why is there a PP up on that Marill?
I’ve went and put 15 (or so) rare items on some of these mons. The rare items consist of IV stones, PP ups, or heart scales. Have fun finding them

Request: Nothing! This is a giveaway.

Further info:

###An “#” will appear below for every mon that is still available.

Box 1:

Bred Pokemon 1 2 3 4 5 6 Example Perfect Example Breedject
Eevee # #
Swinub #
Buneary # # # http:/
Bulbasaur # # # #

Box 2:

Bred Pokemon 1 2 3 4 5 6 Example Perfect Example Breedject
Charmander # # # #
Marill # # #
#TL;DR: 1.2 release giveaway! Comment a number from 1 to 60 and your tradename to win a free bredmon. This is first come, first serve, make your reservations ASAP!

40 Aqueous

Okay, let me know when you’re updated and ready to trade

1 Like

35 firecheeser (also, I’m kinda new, how to update?)

I’m in but I think the trade servers are down?

32 Dechozen101

Are you updated?

Join the discord server, the announcements say how.

Just had to reset, ready when you are :slight_smile:

Ok I’m downloading through launcher, its taking a while

Ready? Tradename is Cow538.

Edit: Trade complete.

Got the breedject but thank you very much :smiley:

No problem :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey Cow, is there any chance we can trade tomorrow, maybe 10:00 AM UTC-5? It’s taking a really long while.

can i get a gible so is it gonna be the breed reject or the perfect one? im fine with either one but can we trade later today or tommorow?the download’s taking a pretty long time. thank you.

Sure thing, just choose a number from 1 and 6 and post it.

@firecheeser that time should work.

Alright, thanks Cow.

Can i reserve 14, and i honestly don’t remember my trade name. DL probably won’t be done until tommorow

Could I reserve 7 please? (Eevee) My trade name is mania I’m still updating so could we trade tomorrow?

Feez 1