Bredmon Giveaway to Commemorate 1.2!

Could I get Larvitar 2?

49 quazzi (first time on the forums and just reccently got into the game)

@DeltaDragon @Mania @blouse6 @iruns @Quazzi98

Sure, though there is a slight issue with trading that was found. I will post when it is fixed.

No problem, thanks a lot!

Number 50 beldum I’m not sure when I’ll pick it up, I’m super busy and I’ve never traded before

Everything is so new to me :yum:

Yep and that shiny you won :stuck_out_tongue:

Do i just make a trading post when I’m ready?

Just reply to this thread. Though, there’s some issues with the current trading system. We’ll have to wait until those are fixed.

55 daylin

I want #19 Bunny, trade name is D.Ace

And lets hpe by tomorrow trades are OK

36 Froakie Trade Name : OverHeaven

id like the #5 gible which ever number is available trade name is vendarkius thank youuu

41 larvitar

tradename cij5

will get back to you after updating the game

im doubting i will get one but 37 Singera i think? never traded

3 Geno

31 (froakie) please :stuck_out_tongue: tradename : wildsalamence

I wish for #9 of the Eevee. Trade name is Necro.

I’ll go for #3 swinub, if that’s still open. Thanks for doing this Cow! Username - iDarkWolf1753, it’s a pretty edgy name xD

Can I get the #3 Froakie (33) :] will reply with trading name once everything with trading is back up. I’m new to all of this. Thanks a lot cow!!