oh no…
Accuracy drops suck. I lost a Pokemon to it yesterday
#Grateful i didn’t do a nuzlocke
if there is one thing I learned from this challenge, is to save often.
On my original playthrough, I quicksaved before literally every trainer
sorry for the little interruption, my cat was getting VERY annoying.
at least you have a pet
3, and I am the only male in the house.
my mom might let me have a dog soon yay
That sounds nice
Oof. When will you evolve it?
level 25. It is the exact limit of the current Level cap and the moment he learn Calm Mind.
I plan to be very calm minded when I face Orion.
Ah, I see. The classic Calm Minded sweep. Very well then.
D.Aggron will be a pain, but I should have enough boosts to blast it with Psybeam.
You mean D. Aron? That mistake literally made me scared that your challenge was impossible
get the wise glasses 4 orion.