You got that right!
anyone has seen @JojoBoss247? He should have at least got the notifications.
He’s been offline for 5 hours.
Alright! All my Pokémon are at the level cap. Will we teach them a lesson or are we gona fail our exam? The answer… After the lunch break!
Hey, those Spaghetti won’t eat themselves.
After evacuating those spaghetti on the toilet, let’s start the school tournament!
Who’s gona falter?
Who’s gona Conquer?
Better never count me out.
And as usual, a win. That’s all for today, we manage to get past the first level cap with 54 reset (48 were for a nature reset, does that count?)
I really don’t think it should. Anyone would do the same for better natures. Besides, not like anyone fainted
dud im fineee don’t worry about a stranger you have never met (and never will meet) irl.
And here we go, starting again. Last time, we left the trainer school. Time to get forvard.
In these times where death is in nearly every corner, we should stop, and think.
These poor corsola are nearly extinct right now, becomine more and more Galarian Corsola, who themselves become Cursola.
Please, stop ocean pollution, we want those jolly Corsola back.
Oh no…
What is it? Those heartless who destroy innocent jolly Pokémon?
and I fainted because of a Sableye that used Shadow Sneak against Ashido. Thought it was free XP, now I learned that death is at every corner.
And now have to start over from the abyssal cult battle.
That must be annoying
Still crying. Don’t do that Hatreene face on me! You look to satisfied! (Joking)
and dying again because of a -1 accuracy drop! Becoming really fun…