Confusion won’t be doing any damage
Sleep Powder
I’d just like to mention that Xavier’s Gengar has Explosion
Ohhh, it will have tailwind
Really? Never played hard mode (I am playing it now for the first time) before
Lol. Ponyta does suck early game
That’s exactly why I dropped my ponyta in my first playthrough
That is exactly why I murder all the ponytas I find
I guess even Flame Charge won’t be enough to justify him
U should use helios (the larvesta) u get it at roggan and volcarona is a very good mon with amazing moves (having access to both quiver dance and fiery dance)
For anything regarding the team, please tell me at my dedicated topic Whole game no faint Hard mode
Ohhhh, ooh, oh, just saw that this is not that topic lol.
I think Blaziken would be a fine choice anyway, so I’ll sitck with it.
U could breed your blaziken with something to have a torchic with baton pass ( Speed boost+Swords Dance+Flame Charge + Baton Pass can help a lot!)
U can always farm some stones
That’s exactly why he’s the backup plan