Amoung the legends: Whole Game No Faint Challenge

joey mama

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oh wait nvm i knw who you are talking about lol had a brain fart

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I can battle him whenaver I want thanks to the Dexnav.

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farm gentleman dunn w/ payday & amulet coin (I can give you those)

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i think hes too low level rn tho

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Welp, he can’t now lol, his dunsparce will destroy him ( Also a happy hour inkay helps)

Ikr so helpful

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That is how I bought my porygon in one of my saves


I KNOW right?

Why not just get it in the FS?

The only sure thing is that if I want a porygon, I will go get one in fs, THERE IS NO FUKIN WAY I WILL GO SAVE UP 200000 TO BUY IT

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Damn u are faster than me

if you get the trick with that minigame with those tiles (forgot the name), it’s less than it looks.

dunn does not play around with that paraflinch moveset tho…

Sonata Tracks?

no, at the game corner. It’s great to farm tokens.

I do the ice path on sonata and win every time.

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Voltorb Flip?

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That one.

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