Amoung the legends: Whole Game No Faint Challenge

I can FINALLY save! I as afraid AF.



dang it’s already 8:32 pm over here.


Now training my next farming machine…

Still better than nothing, quick farming time!

Question, does the Gym count as a new location?

Whatever floats your boat.

You may not be a girl, nor a poison type, but you are still pink. Congrats Ashido, we are gona do a rampage.

That’s all for today. I’ll save then we can hopefully go on tomorrow.

r we gonna c an update 2day?

Yup! I’m grinding my team to the level cap.

Doing this, I found a bug. A Pokémon optained by trade ignore the level cap.

Look at this. Orion’s level cap is 25

want to eolve terror? I cn help u bc I am using a computer that origially had files b4 i transferred.

No need, he is only there for Joey.

who is joey?

Oh, that is smart (does Joey even give exp lol)

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m o n e y

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His is in the memory chamber ( come on u know Youngster Joey ) and he has a rattata that can’t touch ghosts

he’s also level 50 so ig

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