Hi everyone, I wanted to start Zeta but I was reading a bit more and found out about Insurgence. Can you catch legendaries in here? Are there all legendaries in the game? Does it have mega evolutions? Does it have something to make graphic like the Zeta does? Does this have better and more people than Zeta community does? Thanks in advance
There is only one legendary available at the moment. In the next update, all legendaries, maybe even some new ones, will be available.
There are mega evolutions.
The graphics are 4th gen style, rather than 3rd gen style of Zeta. So the graphics are better.
Thanks for your detailed answers. So is it officialy confirmed that all legendaries will be available to catch?
Thanks a lot everyone
I’ve got two more questions. Is the game difficult a lot? Also grinding (training) can it be made easier in some specific part of the game? Thanks
Not only all the legendaries, but all 722 pokemon!
Game is difficult at points, but not too difficult.
There is an NPC that makes grinding easier for you.
Yes confirmed all will be available in the next update. You should see Suze’s twitter updates. He absolutely hates legendaries now b/c it takes forever to code stories for them all.
There are 3 modes (easy/normal/hard). I believe you can switch modes at any time in the game, but not 100% certain about it.
You will eventually get a secret base where an NPC does let you grind and give you decent EXP per battle.
Thanks a lot everyone! Any eta when the update is released? Thanks
The content of the game is finished right now. All that’s left is improving things, miscellaneous features (like the pokemon world tournament) and bugs.
Game should be done by late 2016 or early 2017.
@cow538 I meant when will the legendaries become available to catch?
Also do you think I should play Zeta or start Insurgence right now? Thanks in advance
Play insurgence now. My plan was to play insurgence until I got bored and then play zeta, but I never got bored xD
Well probably get mew before the elite four and the rest as post game.
@cow538 thanks for fast answers.
I will PM you some questions so if you have some spare time please answer thanks
Well I’m on mobile and can’t seem to pm you. Could you please pm me anything so I can answer you back? Thanks in advance @cow538
Can I play this on Windows XP? There doesn’t seem to be anywhere I can see the minimum system requirements. I’m pretty sure that my laptop’s processor can handle the game’s graphics (it can play PSP games), but not too sure as to what the minimum OS is for running it (or .NET framework, DirectX version, etc.).
Read this previously asked question.
I’d have guarded optimism regarding that setup. However, I would suggest getting more RAM just to be on the safe side. And, I found out that Insurgence runs just fine. I’m just having trouble with that blasted second gym leader whom I swear CHEATS! He uses a full party of SIX Pokemon, and he took out my two strongest (level 35) pokemon with just his SHUCKLE (his FIRST Pokemon)! What gives?! I wish I could summon Mew to kick the guy’s butt to Kingdom Come for this travesty.