Trading Name: Akichu
Offer: Legends/Bredmon/Maybe shinies/Pokerus/Mega Stones/Items/etc.
Request: Unevolved Shinies
Further info: Im desperate, I will give anything I can get for you
Trading Name: Akichu
Offer: Legends/Bredmon/Maybe shinies/Pokerus/Mega Stones/Items/etc.
Request: Unevolved Shinies
Further info: Im desperate, I will give anything I can get for you
Would a shiny Floette count?
what would you be willing to trade for these two?
What would you want?
preferably shinies, but you name it
What else would you accept for them, besides shinies
for the mudkip probably 4-5 IV stones, and the elekid is just the shinies
Yes, What do you want for it?
It’s nothing special, so I’d take a bredmon for it.
@Sbeve I’ll farm the iv stones now, won’t take long, but I can’t really offer for shiny d elekid
What bredmon?
Can you do Delta Feebas?
Cool, thanks! One last request, could it be Bold? If not, that’s cool, just wondering
I’ll try my best!
Hey Aki! I can give you a shiny woobat for free. But I may need mons for the dez and would you be willing to do that??
Sure what mons do you need
Idk but I will lyk when I need somethin.
Fire, just msg me when ur ready!