Wild encounter music glitch?

Greetings! I have recently gotten into Pokemon Insurgence and I absolutely love it. I have an odd music glitch regarding wild Pokemon encounters- the music for the trainer battle plays, but is distorted by a static/ buzzing noise underneath the song. I’ve looked into the files and I see that there is different music for wild encounters, and was wondering if anyone else has experienced this glitch?

Thank you! I truly appreciate all the time and effort that has gone into this game, it is spectacular!

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this problem is my problem

After lots of browsing the forums and going through all the tracks, this is actually intentional. For whatever reason, the wild battle music is the trainer battle theme with the distorted, scratching sound. You can fix this by going to Audio/BGM/inssomethnhg.ogg and changing the track. Personally, I copied the audio track 002-Battle02.ogg and renamed it to inssomethnhg.ogg. You could also copy wild.ogg if you want that