So I was trying to farm a better nature on my scizor and I was doing this by manually changing the computers time and walking a bunch. Then I had the great idea to get it to reset, and then create copies of the game save right before talking to the pokepon woman and then restoring that save.
I’m not sure if that broke it but I am unable to get it reset now and I’ve walked around a ton. Any ideas?
You broke Pokepon, you may not mess with Pokepon that way.
Damn, now I’m curious how it even works that it breaks that way. I’d imagine it just stores a last used and step counter and if these are reset it should just work…but I guess not? Is my pokepon forever broken?
do u have a the original save file for ur game. I mean the one that wasn’t copied and still recorded the pokepon. Maybe using that save might work? If not, then I hope you’ll be able to fix your problem.
I don’t have the original save file.
Ok so you broke your poképon like i did: without knowing it’s against the rules
Maybe try to make another save file, run through the game completely up till Sonata, and get some help on Discord to transfer all your mons over (or all the mons you want) and don’t mess with your computer time anymore
Unfortunately I am in a randomizer nuclocke game