Why i haven't been on the forums recently

I completely disagree. When you’re 13 or < you shouldnt be trying to find a girl/boyfriend.


become no emotions

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this is so true one of my friends whos 12 got a bf and they lasted for 2 weeks before breaking up. they were super lovey dovey with each other too but when they broke up they moved on like nothing happened???

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Nah. You shouldn’t get into a relationship until you’re in college, at least, in my opinion. Middle School relationships are just flings or to show off at best, and High Schoolers are extremely immature. When it comes to High Schoolers, it still only lasts a few months at most, but that could also be blamed on the low attention span of teens these days.



I love how the topic changed from something to another so quickly.


Meh. It’s rather common these days. Anything “Off Topic” will go off topic; it’s basically a law at this point.