Wanting a spiritomb HA

Oh then i will reset the game here, I think i crash

Update: I’m cool and waiting

I have a noctem spiritomb. The IVs aren’t the best tho if u still want it

it’s female?
i want a female to breed by myself
ah,it’s not on the reques but you can give me a everstone too?
it’s for the HA breed thing

Yeah it’s female. I can get u an everstone too, but they only cost like 200 in the Helios department store

I’m still in midna town
I’m playing hard mode
so I can’t buy now

You know that the witch doctor in the black market will evolve your gengar without trading right?!

I was on the orion gym in the moment
In other words:
no doctor evolving method
now i have only the first gym badge,
with the secret base, where i can’t capture myself
a spiritomb


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