Using wineskin wrapper to install 1.2.5 for Mac?

Is this possible, I’ve tried once already but the app won’t work. It opens but nothing runs

If the Terminal command doesn’t or didn’t work for you, you can try downloading the Windows core and extracting that, and then downloading Wine Stable ( to run the game with.

Only issue with this is that an error within the sound effects that are MP3s sometimes crops up, and crashes the game. However, this can be pretty easily fixed just by removing the .mp3 sound effects from the Core folder (Audio -> SE). Other than that, running just through Wine rather than through the Terminal seems to function well for most people who have tried it.

I’d recommend going for and trying the Terminal command first, but if the download and Terminal still continues to fail, this can be used as an alternate solution.

Alternatively you can use this guide to help you download insurgence and other Windows games