Updating the game from Romstation

Hi everyone !

First, I would like to apologize beforehand for any English mistakes I could make. The fact is I’m not an English native speaker.

Here is my problem, I hope someone could bring me a solution.

I’ve been playing pokemon insurgence from the platform romstation. I’ve just finished the part of the jade tower and got the message saying it was only the first edition and more updates will come.

By searching throughout the website, I’ve been able to find the latest update but I’ve been wondering how it is going to work since I’ve been playing on Romstation. Will it update directly or do I have to do some manipulation ? I really don’t want to restart the game from the beggining (I’ve spent too many nights grinding my team)…

I don’t know if it will be of any use but my computer’s working under windows 8.1.

I hope I’ve been understandable and that some of you will have the answer to my ““riddle””.

Thanks by advance !

Well, there are instruction on how to update using the latest patch though