Um. What? Anyone Help?

Am I the only one whose having graphical issues with the Female trainer sprite?
currently I have no choice but to use the Male trainer sprite, because everytime I make my character run using the Female one, the hair looks like it’s falling off the body.

^ Like that.
Am I the only one with this issue?
I’m not using Large screen by the way, I’m using Full screen.
I’d like this fixed because I would really love to have a Female trainer save but I can’t due to this bug (anything buggy or glitchy looking I really hate looking at, so i refuse to use anything buggy/glitchy looking.)

Someone ages ago had this problem, don’t know what the fix was or if they even got a fix. My suggestion would be to redownload the game, your save file will carry over unless you are using a mac

Okay with a bit of searching I found the thread it’s here:

And the fix they found was getting a hair dye which you can get at the pokemon center