True_DK Trading and Dojo

I’ll check in then

I can trade now if you want

You on now?

Yeah I’m on username: Nathan12

Alright I finally woke up early enough :relieved:

Ok, I’ll request :ok_hand:

Meet me on discord

can we trade again for iv stones?

Sure Sato whats the offer?

Well right now I have Monferno (i know it’s not a baby poke but it’s from friend safari so it has HA) and still the Megastones: (Altarianite, Cacturnite, Ampharosite, Delta Bisharpite, Delta Galladite, Delta Gardevoirite, Mawilite, Metagrossite, Pidgeotite)

Metagrossite and Pidgeotite sounds good what about 3 IV Stones for them 1 for 1 and 1 for being a repeat customer. Sounds Good?

woah really? cool! thank you! let’s trade around tom? i’ll be on discord tom

tom is tomorrow right I hope so. if not i’ll be discord soon anyways.

Okay, this will be weird but please try to understand. I can give you a Cacturnite, a Delta Charizardite, and a Flygonite if you are willing to help me trade between files.

I can do if no one else is on

Are you on right now?

Im here now?

Okay. Tell me when to get on.

im on now and whats your trade names?

Zyr0TruthExists and ZyroTruthExists. Use the Zyr0TruthExists first please