Trading Shiny Ralts!

have this one that is sturdy also

Do both the sturdy tyrunt and Cyndaquil have perfect IVs?

That is directed towards stances ^

they are both 5 iv so would get it 5 iv in the stats that matter or 6 if lucky and i get that first

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You can @ the person so they know if you are talking to them like so: @cooper2345678

Alright Stances, Ill trade ya those Two pokes for my ralts!

or just click reply on the comment so it dose that thing in top right

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5iv means all the ivs are perfect except the one that doesn’t matter. You don’t use physical attacks on a modest charizard, so this one ^ is 5 iv

has 5 perfect ivs 31 and then 1 imperfect this is one i would be using to breed it with 6 iv ditto and has th 1 imperfect on sp attack if sp attack was 31 it would be a perfect iv
but is only 5 iv because it is at 30.

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will get them ready for you and we will try to work out when to trade

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Another male dammit

Trade your glade made

Both are ready

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Alright! Just pm me when you’re online @Stances

Rule 1 says: There shall be no trading over PMs either here or on discord. This includes offers, fixing a time for trade, and anything else related to trading. Complete your trades in general chat on Discord, or in the comments on the Forum.

Yeah Stances told me about that, I was just asking for him to PM when he was online. But thanks for the heads up again!

im online if you are but if not should be able to sometime in the next few days

I should be on or around for most of tonight if you happen to get on.

Do you happen to be online atm?

I’m super jealous. I’ve always wanted a shiny Ralts.